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Designed By Tee

Vector Art on Canvas

In my Art, I like to capture the beauty through colors that are vibrant, which drawn you in. I enjoy creating self-portraits especially with Charcoal (doing Subtractive Work). I’m inspired by people, places, events, experiences, conversation. Each piece I create is a fragment of myself, my works have become an extension of what I experience in life, from the highs, the lows, the twist and turns. Inspiration is everywhere and understanding that for myself has given me a better perception when it comes to creating. When a viewer stops for just a moment to view and reflect on a piece I created, then I know I have succeeded in my work.

Image Gallery

Here is some of my artwork for you to look at. If you're interested in purchasing any pieces, please feel free to reach out to me via email. You can find my email address above.

Designed By Tee
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